Forming a different parenting community.
In today’s age of social media parenting, most likely the parents of our center have joined and are active in a few online parenting groups. As a mom I am a member of a few local and a few national mother and parenting groups. I am a member of groups that have broad topics and I am a member of specialized groups that focus on topics that effect my children specifically. I can’t imagine I am alone in the trend of seeking advice and connection in this manner.
Along with advice, these groups offer more than their fair share of judgement. As a member I fear posting something and having the collective group let me know all the ways I am not making the best choices for my children. A simple example of this is when I once asked for a recommendation for trash removal services in my trash truck free town. Member after member told me how capable they were of taking their suburban full of toddler children to the dump weekly, daily, hourly it seemed. They simply could not understand why I wanted to pay to have someone come to my home to pick up this easily handled trash or even why I couldn’t get to the dump myself.
Now I have learned a long time ago to not debate things online. Well... ok I learned it a few years ago after a late night battle about the benefits of the Dare program with an ex co-worker to be exact. So I did not go into the fact that the dump hours do not fit in with my work hours, or the fact that my tribe seems to produce an extra amount of trash and recycling, or that I would rather lick the shopping cart handle then put trash in my beloved minivan. So I sat there stewing about how the comments left me feeling like I was failing at something as easy as trash removal. This left me as an observer and not an active participant in these groups. I waited for people to ask questions that I also had wondered about and read the replies, knowing at some point they would turn most unhelpful. The judgement in most groups is unreal. This left me unsure if we should form our own parent group at the center where most every interaction has been positive.
Our center is a living breathing parent group, where people cannot hide behind their phones, screens etc. I am committed to making it a supportive and caring community. I want all parents to know this is a place where we all struggle, we all achieve and we all can show our crazy. Parenting is hard, it is emotional and it is the best part of my life on its worst day. I am waiting to hear your triumphs and embarrassments. I love knowing what it is like for other parents, hearing tips and offering support. This center can be the unconditional acceptance and advice that parents are looking for in online groups.
Soooo... Don’t be surprised if I ask you funny parenting questions such as, if your child embarrasses you sometimes or what is the silliest but most adorable part of your infant. I want to know and share and be supportive. So stop in and be a part of a fully accepting and honest community where parents are supported and celebrated for all the food. The scary, the weird and yes, the bad.